Membership Form

Please print out the form below and use it to send us your membership information. We will get back with you immediately. (NOTE: This is NOT an electronic form; you must print it and then mail it. Sorry!)

Mailing address:

Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network
Metro Washington, DC, Chapter
P.O Box 363
Cabin John, MD 20818

(202) 293-3358

Yes! I want to join GLSEN/DC!
(Remember, your GLSEN National membership is included in this amount)
___ Enclosed is my $35 membership Contribution $____ TOTAL:_____
Name:_____________________ School/Affiliation:_______________
Address: _____________________ Email:________________
(H)________________ (W)________________ FAX:_______________
Please contact me. I am interested in working on:
____ Advocacy ____ Development ____ Programming
____ Newsletter ____ Publicity/Outreach ____ Speakers Bureau
____ Website Development ____ Organizational Liaison ____ Plan a Chapter Meeting

Copyright © 1998, GLSEN/DC Inc.

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