What is it ?

Ethical Humanist Sunday School is a special place where children can learn the important values of life such as fairness, kindness, tolerance, and respect for others. This is done in classes that are devoted to developing empowerment and self-respect in each child through games, songs, role play and discussion.

Ethical Humanist Sunday School is open to all children aged 3 to 13. If you are looking for a non-traditional Sunday School experience that will develop your child's integrity and social consciousness, call the Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island at 741-7304.

Classes begin on September 15th at 11:00 A.M. during the adult platform meetings. Baby-sitting is also available for babies and toddlers at the same time.

A Humanist Code Of Ethics

Do no harm to the earth, she is your mother.

Being is more important than having.

Never promote yourself at another's expense.

Hold life sacred; treat it with reverence

Allow each person the dignity of her or his labor.

Open your home to the wayfarer.

Be ready to receive your deepest dreams;
sometimes they are the speech of unblighted conscience.

Always make restitutions to the ones you have harmed.

Never think less of yourself than you are.

Never think that you are more than another.

Arthur Dobrin

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