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Dialogues on America's Future speaker series brings innovative thinkers from around the world to discuss the nation's future with Members of Congress.   In informal, non-ideological discussions, legislators exchange ideas with some of the most original and provocative leaders from academe, business, and government.  The Dialogues offer a rare opportunity to consider current events from a long-term perspective. The Dialogues are funded by The Teresa and H. John Heinz III Foundation.

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Andrew Grove
George Woodwell
Susan Tolchin
Deborah Tannen
Ben Wattenberg
Louis Harris
Mikhail Gorbachev
C. Everett Koop
John Jacob
Barbara Bush
James Fallows
Marian Wright Edelman
Lewis Thomas
Walter Cronkite
Mary Matalin
Austin Kiplinger
George Gallup
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Pat Robertson
Peter Drucker
William Julius Wilson
Judy Woodruff
E. O. Wilson
Nicholas Negraponte
Arthur C. Clarke
Paul Berg
Alice Rivlin

George Will
Daniel Yankelovich
Robert Jastrow
Tom Peters
Benjamin Hooks
Arno Penzias
James Watson
Marvin Minsky
Carl Sagan
Paul Starr
Ellen GoodmanDaniel Bell
David Hamburg
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