Wise Old Owl

"... a thought so passionate and alive
that like the spirit of a plant or an animal
it has an architecture of its own,
and adorns nature with a new thing."

Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson


We've moved around a bit in our lives. But we will always remember Litchfield with special fondness, and still have major withdrawal pains from departing. Thanks for making it possible to post this greeting.

If you happen to be reading this thought and are a "Litchfield history buff," you might be able to help us out. We have a family heirloom, what we believe to be a baroque flute, made by "A. Hopkins, Litchfield, Conn". As near as we can tell, it dates from the late 1700's. The Litchfield History Page at this site mentions a Samuel Miles Hopkins who, in 1791, was a student at the Litchfield Law School. Perhaps they are related. Perhaps they even stomped on some grapes together, in rhythm to this flute's music, thereby getting an idea for a new business opportunity that survives to this day! Thanks if you're able to help out.

Janet and Bob Zeidler - 5/99

I keep Litchfield in my mind through your thorough web site.
Thank You

Dave Skonieczny
Florida - 12/98


I am originally from Lichfield, Staffordshire, in the UK. A couple of years back I visited an American friend of mine, and we spent quite a bit of time touring New England. Whilst driving through Connecticut, I saw a sign for Litchfield, so I followed it, and I visited your lovely town.

I was wondering if any one knew who named your town Litchfield, and if it was after Lichfield, Staffs, UK, or another Litchfield in Hampshire, UK. I know many settlers named new towns after their hometowns back in Europe.

Just curious! The countryside did look like home!


E-mail message from England - 5/8/97

I like Litchfield, a lot. I lived there from 1990 thru 1995.
I lived on the very north end of town, on the border of Goshen.
I'm living now in Los Angeles. I miss Litchfield a lot.
Anonymous e-mail message - 5/1/97

If it is an act of philanthropy to preserve the masterpieces of art for the public good, it is equally commendable to seek to preserve the masterpieces of nature.
Robert deForest  -  Former Chairman of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

Express a thought about Litchfield -
Any questions or suggestions for town officials?
Or, just share a pleasant experience or observation.

Send thoughts or responses to:

P. O. Box 1471
Litchfield, CT 06759

Fax: 567-3328


E-Mail: leffco@nai.net

All thoughts and responses submitted will be reviewed for appropriateness and
selected by the Webmaster for posting here. No politics, religion, or sex, please.

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