Plain X-Rays and Barium Studies: available at our Voorhees, Turnersville, Cherry Hill and Pennsauken locations.

X-rays are forms of electromagnetic radiation like light. They are higher in energy however, and can penetrate the body so that images of internal structures can be obtained. X-rays are used to expose a photographic plate so that it becomes darker. X-rays show parts of the body in various shades of gray, with some structures (e.g. bone) being whiter than other structures (e.g. lung) which are seen as darker structures.Sometimes, materials such as barium are used to increase the contrast between different structures.

Traditional radiography and fluoroscopy continue to be important diagnostic tools at South Jersey Radiology. This includes barium studies such as the Upper Gastrointestinal Series (UGI) and Barium Enema (BE) as well as plain x-rays. Registered technologists employ the latest equipment and rare earth film screen systems to insure low dose, high quality x-rays.

WOMEN OF CHILDBEARING AGE: If you are pregnant or suspect you are pregnant, please let your physician know immediately.

What is a Barium Enema and how do I prepare for it?

A Barium Enema is an x-ray examination of the colon after a barium liquid is instilled to allow better visualization. A barium enema can detect colon cancer as well as other disorders of the colon such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis). Your cooperation is needed to prepare your colon to provide the best possible study, and avoid a sub-optimal or uninterpretable examination which would in turn necessitate a more costly, more invasive subsequent evaluation. When you schedule your study with us you will receive specific instructions which must be followed exactly.

What is an Upper Gastrointestinal Series and how do I prepare for it?

An Upper Gastrointestinal Series involves taking x-rays of the esophagus, stomach and/or small intestines after ingestion of a barium liquid. An Upper Gastrointestinal Series can detect disorders such as ulcers and certain cancers. To prepare for the test, just don't have anything to eat or drink after midnight on the day of the examination. If you need to take medication which cannot wait until after the examination is over (usually about mid-morning) take it with a tiny sip of water. If you are a diabetic and cannot fast, let us know.