
a story by a friend for a friend - the best kind.

I introduced myself to her some months before her thirteenth birthday. As a friend to her brothers, I felt the obligation and the joy in meeting their baby sister. A book in her hands, eyes staring at my feet, an uneasy smile and long braided hair down her back -- that's my first memory of her.

She returned from the motherland just a bit after her brothers did. A bit shy and quite alone, she stood by the others but remained by herself. So I walked on over and introduced myself as her brothers' friend. That's how it all began -- my friendship with her.

I wish I had fascinating, captivating stories but all I have are memories. I wish these memories were of bliss and enlightenment but they merely encapsulate moments of comfort and contentment. I wish comfort and contentment were enough to describe what I feel but all I can muster is a smile. And so, on this day I take a moment to remember once more: the late night pizzeria adventure as Korea's hope in speedskating falters, the package of treats on Halloween, the disastrous Valentine's Day wager and the constant reminders to bring in the light.

If the years of fun were no more, if the conversations no longer held any significance and if the concern faded, I suppose I could cope. After all, a friendship these days seems to hold no guarantees. And so, maybe I'll hold onto these memories of our fun and our conversations and our concern. And maybe these memories will bring a smile. And maybe that is all I'll ever remember it as. But this is not just fun or just a conversation or just concern but a friendship. Though our paths may have diverged, though our choices may have differed and though we may not always agree, somehow we still have our simple understanding.

And now, our simple understanding permits that unguarded interplay of words; a dialogue that renders promises of loyalty, platitudes of fidelity and professions of trust redundant. For where is the need for mere words when a knowing look or a simple gesture suffices? And yet I am compelled just to try to express what has become so evident.

For what can I say on this thirteenth of december but "Happy Birthday."

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