Romatic Suggestions

Dating is difficult. But there's always the initial excitement of the first date, and the second date, even the third date, to smooth things over. By the fourth date, you're usually experiencing a romantic depletion of sorts. Not to mention those married couples out there. After having a partner for a couple of years it becomes more difficult to think of romantic things to do. Here are some romantic gestures that are sure to warm your partner's heart. I've tried many of them on my significant other Li and we've been pretty happy.

Write a love note and post it on your partner's calendar, medicine cabinet, or on their pillow.
Make a scapbook of your favorite pictures.
Send a postcard or check out a travel video of a far away place and have tickets to get there.
Instead of taking a car, bus, cab or subway - walk with your partner instead.
Pick a romantic place for dinner and talk about how you would like things to be in ten years.
Sit outside for half and hour after dark and look at the stars. Make a wish.
Tell a story from your growing up years. Share traumatic memories, it will bring you closer.
Take a couple of '40s or a bottle of wine and spend a summer night at Battery City Park.
Buy bubble bath and a candle and invite your partner to share a bath. Don't forget the music.
Read a good book or poetry together.
Make a calendar marked with special events and memories.
Wash your partner's hair, then dry it and brush it. The longer the better.
Go to the theater and afterwards get a drink. Coffee, tea or vodka & cranberry...whatever.
Hold hands.
Buy fresh ground coffee and two new mugs and yummy biscotti. Stop and relax.
Take a trip on the train to the local beach or big city. Spend the day.
Clean your partner's room, house, car. Doing their laundry is great too.
Help your partner with his/her coat.
Kidnap your partner from school/work and take them on a picnic in the park.
Make a home-made card expressing something special.
Cook a special dinner of your partner's favorite meal. For Li it would be lasagna.
Write a love letter or song for your partner and read it or sing it to them.
Make a tape of favorite love songs, wrap it in special paper, and leave it on their pillow.
Flowers - fresh cut.
Propose a toast to your partner in front of family and friends.
Send a taxi to pick up your partner from work and instruct the driver to take your partner to a favorite restaurant where you'll be waiting.
Blow kisses.
While shopping, if your partner tries on an outfit they adore, pay for it quickly while they are changing and surprise them.
Indulge your partner's hobby, sport, or passion. As a result, I've become better at bowling, shooting pool and an array of 3DO games.
Take a ballroom dancing, cooking, win-tasting, photography or other course together.
Even if you work in separate offices try to meet for lunch.

For those of you who want to share your romance with others, you can send me suggestions to add to this list. Please send to