Ivy Sea Online is personally funded and offered as a public-service resource by Ivy Sea, Inc., a "small size, big impact" conscious-enterprise consulting firm based in San Francisco, California, USA. We have several options for individuals and organizations who wish to reprint and distribute Ivy Sea Online content.

Ivy Sea's Content Archive and PDF Library

Copyright, reprint and distribution of Ivy Sea Online content

Making a donation or leaving a tip to return the generosity offered by this public-service site

BY POPULAR REQUEST - Ivy Sea's New Content Archive and PDF Library

In response to popular demand, we created a new, budget-friendly PDF Library and Ivy Sea Online Content Archive offering. Our Content Archive and PDF Library features a range of options to use Ivy Sea Online copyrighted articles and tip sheets, either on a one-by-one basis or in our pre-packaged or custom-created PDF "Issue Kits," in your marketing, training or management- and employee-communication efforts.

Learn more about our PDF Content Library offerings for use in your organization's leadership, training and communication efforts

Copyright, reprints and distribution of Ivy Sea Online content

It's easy to make sure you're on the right side of the copyright law. According to the Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq.), the copyright owner shall be awarded damages of not less than $500 for each work (that means each distinct page on Ivy Sea Online) infringed, up to $100,000 for willful infringement and may be awarded its reasonable attorney's fees and costs. Yes, that's expensive and bothersome. Fortunately, honoring copyright is easy to do.

Here's the scoop on what, when and how you can reprint and redistribute from Ivy Sea Online:

Limited Personal Use: You may print out one or several Ivy Sea Online articles and tipsheets for your personal use or to share with a small group in a noncommerce-oriented setting, and you may peruse the site for your own professional/personal development and take notes to your heart's content.

We're also happy to accommodate most requests for occasional single-use reprints of an Ivy Sea Online article in your employee or nonprofit newsletter, providing that you let us know what you're using and how (this helps us stay aware of what articles and tips are helpful, which guides our editorial calendar). For limited nonprofit reproduction and reprint queries, simply send us an email to let us know what you're using and how, and please include the following credit to the source on the materials reprinted or distributed: "Source: "Copyright 2002-2003. Ivy Sea Online, Ivy Sea, Inc. San Francisco, CA, www.ivysea.com. Reprinted with permission."

For multiple reprints and use of our content in commercial enterprises and endeavors, or use consistently over an extended period, our Content Archive and PDF Library is a more appropriate and copyright honoring option.

Broader or commercial reprint and redistribution: For broader downloading, reprinting, distribution, commercial use for which you obtain fees or subscriptions, or inclusion on corporate intranets or as a training resource in for-profit organizations (or generously budgeted nonprofits), copyright requires you to obtain permission and pay fair-market fees to Ivy Sea for such use of Ivy Sea Online content.

In response to many requests to use our content in organizational communication and training programs, we've created our budget-friendly content-subscription and PDF "tip kit" Library. Send us an email to information about the content-subscription and PDF Library options.

Contribute a tip or donation to help sustain Ivy Sea Online as a public-service resource:

Ivy Sea Online is created, maintained and personally funded by a small-by-choice, conscious enterprise (Ivy Sea, Inc.) and provides a good amount of content as a public-service resource available to all. If you appreciate the inspiration and resources available to you on Ivy Sea Online, consider contributing a tip to express your gratitude. Even the smallest contribution helps to offset the costs of developing and maintaining this public-service site, and contributing is as easy as can be! Thank you for your generosity, and for giving back to a resource that's helpful to you.

To leave a tip or contribute by check:
Make your contribution-check payable to "Ivy Sea, Inc." and mail it to Ivy Sea, Inc., 51 Federal St., Ste. 307, San Francisco, CA 94107 (US Dollars only, please).

To leave a tip or contribute by credit card:
If you'd like a secure online payment option, we've selected Amazon.com's Honor System for credit card contributions.

IvySea, Inc.

51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911
