Communication is the life-blood of productive workplaces and good relationships with customers, and mergers and acquisitions wreak havoc on the normal flow of communication within a company.

In the early stages of a merger or acquisition, everyone knows change is coming, but the direction isn't always clear. Employees suspect management knows a lot more than they're telling, especially if a merger springs up without prior warning. Employees become suspicious and wary. Seeds of isolation begin to sprout, and employees feel threatened by change and stop sharing information because they don't know whom to trust.

At the same time, internal communication grinds to a halt just when it's needed most. This happens for several reasons. Executives in public companies must be discreet about the information they share; they may not know how many employees will be let go, or what divisions will no longer exist; or there is a lack of specific information. In addition, mergers are often governed by lawyers and number-crunchers, increasing the risk of neglected culture and communication issues. Communications that do go out are likely to be highly filtered and stripped of information that allows employees to continue working productively and customers to continue buying confidently.

This article helps to identify reasons why a deliberate, thoughtful communication strategy is a must for any successful merger, and practical suggestions about merger-related communication priorities.

The full "More Successful Merger Communication" article is now available in our new Issue-Tips Kit, "Change-Management and Communication Essentials," in the Ivy Sea PDF Content Library:

Issue Tips Kit — Change-Management and Communication Essentials

Whether a group of one or tens of thousands, organizations of all sizes go through change and transition. Evolution and change are constants, yet have traditionally been approached as if they’re finite "events" that can be strictly scheduled and managed. While the ultimate purpose and goal of an organizational transition might be clear, how to approach it, communicate it and gain constituents’ acceptance of it so that the change takes root isn’t as easy.

Our Change-Management Tip Kit provides the foundational and inspirational information that change leaders and communicators will use time and again to ensure that they’ve addressed key communication issues and opportunities common to organizational transition. Contents include:

Why is Change-Management Communication So Important? (exclusive Ivy Sea PDF White Paper)
Big-Vision Change: Sustaining Your Highest Potential During Change (exclusive Ivy Sea tipsheet)
Change & Transition Communication Tips
Revving Up Productivity
How to Manage Uncertainty
Layoffs, Morale & Right Communication
Communication Tips that Support a Successful Merger/Acquisition
What Do Ethics Mean in Your Enterprise?
Getting Buy-In from Managers and Employees
Make the Most of Resources You’ve Got
Nine Tips for Motivating Employees
Vision as an Anchor in Challenging Times

Purchase this or other Ivy Sea skill-building issue kits – or customize your own to suit your unique interests and needs. More information on the skill-building Issue-Tips Kits in the PDF Content Library please...

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