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African American Poetry, 1960-1995



Judith Thomas is the recipient of numerous awards. A few include the Lindbach Distinguished Teaching Award, the Sojourner Truth Award from the national Association of Business and Professional Women, the outstanding Educator Award from the Black Dupont Employees, the Mary E. Baltimore Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education from the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education. She regularly serves as a consultant in both basic and higher education on topics such as oral language proficiency, multicultural education, teaching methodology, discipline without damage, curriculum development, interpersonal relations on the job, recruitment strategies of minority students and faculty, male/female relationships, and the African American experience.

Several of her most published articles include "A Case for the Language Consideration in the Interview Dynamic of the Black Family: Merits and Demerits" in the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education Journal and "Black Youth in Urban Schools: Attrition, Performance, Self-Concept," The State of Black Philadelphia Journal. She is one of the four editors of the first edition of Exploring the African American Experience: A Multidisciplinary Approach (1996) text in which her chapter is entitled "Language and Empowerment: A Case for the Language Consideration in the Interview Dynamic."