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Advocates Circle

Because people with HIV should never check their legal rights at the door.

Since 1983 the work of the AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP) has been largely underwritten by government contracts, foundation grants, and law firm donations. All have been critical. Yet if the ALRP is to continue to protect the rights of people living with HIV we must turn to a wider community of supporters. To people who know the value of sound legal advice.

Join us! Protecting the legal rights of people with HIV is everyone's business. Please make it your own. Become a charter member of The ALRP Advocates Circle with your contribution of $500 or more.

Thanks to a generous pledge from James Hormel, your charter gift to the Advocates Circle will be matched. Right now your donation will go twice as far protecting the legal rights of people with HIV.

Donate directly to the ALRP or through the United Way. Donate in one lump sum or in installments. (Please refer to the pledge card for details.)

Because ALRP legal help is truly a matter of justice, all charter members of the Advocates Circle will receive the Hammer of Justice: a unique and utilitarian thank you--suitable for the boardroom or the tool box.

Please make your Advocates Circle pledge today. Return the enclosed form or call the ALRP at 415-291-5454.


Advocating, Counseling and Defending

Thank you! I didn't know where else to turn. You are truly providing a needed service.

--ALRP Client / Landlord -Tenant

You were quite knowledgeable regarding all my questions--sensitive and understanding. You really put my mind at ease.

--ALRP Clients/ Insurance

If it weren't for the ALRP it would have been impossible for me to take rare of my personal responsibilities. My daughter and I thank you very much.

--ALRP Client / Child Guardianship


If you believe that the legal rights of people with AIDS or HIV must be protected...
If you understand the importance of sound legal counsel...
If you recognize that lawyers and the law can be compassionate...
If you believe that gay relationships must be honored...
If you want to safeguard access to health care and fight discrimination.....

Join The ALRP Advocates Circle


For the first time since the ALRP was established, many clients are calling us with a profaned sense of hope. Some have questions about returning to work. Many have questions about insurance and securing access to the best available health care.

Advances in the treatment of HIV disease have indeed inspired hope. It is the hope that HIV will, for people with access to good health care, become a medically manageable condition. But the truth is that AIDS and HIV remain stigmatized conditions. Our clients are continuing to face discrimination that others who suffer from chronic diseases never have to endure.

We inaugurate the Advocates Circle to secure the financial resources necessary to Advocate for the rights of our clients. Support compassionate legal help that honors the dignity and decisions of people living with HIV by joining the Advocates Circle today. Please complete the pledge form enclosed or call the AIDS Legal Referral Panel at 415-291-5454.

With your help--and for as long as necessary--the ALRP will continue to safeguard the legal and civil rights of people with HIV.


Not Only Help... But Hope

My attorney was an enormous help--very kind and relieved a greet deal of stress.

--ALRP Client / Will & Durable Power of Attorney


Safeguarding the Legal Rights of People with HIV

 As a long term survivor of AIDS since I ran say I'm amazed at the legal issues that come up. I don't know what I would have done without you! Thank you.

--An ALRP Client

Since 1983 over 25,000 people have called on the AIDS Legal Referral Panel for help with a legal matter--often a crisis--that has emerged to threaten the remaining stability in their lives.

ALRP Legal Help is Not a Luxury. It meets basic human needs.

- Handling insurance disputes, the ALRP safeguards access to health rare.

- Advocating for people who rely on disability benefits, we secure a vital source of income.

- Taking on landlord/tenant cases, we help prevent hopelessness.

- Handling guardianships, we provide parents with the peace of mind that comes from knowing their children will be well cared for.

-Providing wills and durable powers of attorney, we help individuals retain their dignity and ensure that their decisions will be carried out.

ad ^ vo ^ cate (ad-'ve-kat') v. To recommend. n 1. One who supports or defends a cause. 2. One who pleads on behalf of another.

cir ^ cle (sur'kel) n. 1. A plane curve equidistant from a fixed center within it. 2. A region of a plane bounded by a circle. 3. Something shaped like a circle.4. A group of people who have in common an interest or activity.

AIDS Legal Referral Panel
582 Market Street, #912
San Francisco, CA 94104
415-291- 5454