February 2000

The $64,000 Question
One question that can help you score high on reviews

Whether you're an individual employee or a firm consulting to a client, the questions you ask affect the quality of the feedback you receive. Quality feedback helps ensure you're sharing the same understanding of expectations, and what you can understand, you can achieve or surpass.
So what's one question that can get you started?

"What would I be doing if you were to
rate me as an excellent employee (or vendor)?"

While not a catch-all, cure-all solution, asking this question of your supervisor or client can help set the stage for a successful and rewarding work experience and performance review. How so?

1. Employers or clients gain: By sincerely asking this question of your supervisor or client contact, you’re demonstrating your interest in improvement (which benefits the company), your commitment to the relationship, your proactive nature, and your understanding of how your role supports the group and the supervisor. Needless to say, these are qualities savvy employers or clients look for, appreciate and reward. (Again, only if genuine and taken from theory to action.)

2. Employees or vendors gain: This one question opens the discussion to clear goal-setting, clarification of expectations, conversations about measurable goals and ironed out misunderstandings. There’s no better way to meet or exceed expectations than to know exactly what they are and how to best achieve them. Specific conversation helps eliminate assumptions, and that helps reduce the possibilities for misunderstanding.

This technique works because it helps employers or client contacts envision the ideal situation, rather than focus on should-have and could-have scenarios. (This is not an avoidance tactic. It is one element of the review process that allows you to glean more valuable information.) This quasi-visioning process can also reveal job roles that aren’t in your current job description or work scope but you are eager to take on.

So, if you’re truly dedicated to earning an excellent performance review — which can determine your bonus or promotion — just ask what you need to do to become (or remain) an excellent employee or vendor. Anything else would be an assumption on your part (and we know what happens to those who assume).

Want more practical tips? Stop by the Brain Food Cafeteria

Ivy Sea, Inc.
& InnoVision

51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911
