August 2001

Storytelling Brain Teaser

It’s curious. Without effort, most of people can name A favorite childhood story or poem. Go ahead, try it.

Whatever the reason, certain tales resonate with us as children and stay locked in our memories more solidly than some schoolmates’ names or last Wednesday’s dinner conversation. Most fairytales, poems and parables conveyed a metaphor for life and a teaching, too, by way of the inevitable "moral of the story," so we would learn to be watchful of the big, bad wolf or take care not to become so enamored with our own reflection that we fall headlong into the water.

Take note of this phenomenon. Something about your own favorite story or poem is important to you; whether the way it made you feel, insights it sparked or worlds it uncovered. Reconnecting with these stories can provide wise reminders and help center your thinking about what’s most important to you today. Give it a try.


Identify and get your hands on a copy of your favorite childhood story, poem or fable.
Read the story, note-taking phrases and concepts that are meaningful to you.
Reflect on the moral of the story, and how this moral relates to you today.
List at least three actions that you can take this month to live a life more aligned with the traits that appeal to you in the story.
Place the book somewhere in your office as a physical reminder of the way you want behave.

During the next few weeks, notice what issues and resolutions arise for you, and how they relate to the concepts in the story!

Hungry for more brain-tickling or inspiration? Visit the IvySea Brain Food Cafeteria

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51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911