Ivy Sea,Inc.

51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911


October 2001

Attitude Adjustment Brain Teaser

With so many things to be thankful for, sometimes we miss the details that make life so special. Take notice of and celebrate these moments to enjoy more of your self, your life and your path.


Recognizing and honoring the small things that have an enormous effect on your life doesn’t require a week-long retreat. Try this:

In addition to formal ceremonies of thanks, whether faith-based, seasonal, etc., incorporate rituals into your week that are unique to how you want to live and honor what’s most important to you. Sample rituals might include:

Taking an evening stroll during which you notice the elements that make your community special

Allowing an extra minute devoted to chatting with the person who serves your coffee every morning

Giving yourself five minutes each morning or evening in complete silence, allowing you to center on yourself and your intentions

Telling people that they are important to you

Sending an unexpected card to a friend

Thinking of five things that you appreciate about someone in your life

Reviewing your personal goals, congratulating yourself on accomplishments and planning next steps toward achieving those goals

Slowing down the speed of your thinking

Saying "thank you"

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