Inkwell Calligraphy Studio
1310 Ninth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
fax: 234-8485
Inkwell logo

Please note: In order to view the video about Inkwell, your computer needs RealPlayer, which can be downloaded for free from (select "Free RealPlayer 8 Basic" option).

To view a two-and-a-half-minute video
about Inkwell, click here.

(It takes several minutes for the file to download the first time,
but subsequent viewings will be almost immediate.
You can browse other pages while it downloads.)

Washington Calligraphers Guild home page  ~  About the Guild  ~  
Exhibits & Events  ~  Meetings & Workshops  ~  Scripsit, the WCG journal ~ 
 ~ How to become a member  ~  Freelance calligraphers in the DC area ~ 
 ~ Links to related websites  ~  Zapf fund to further calligraphy education ~