Snapshots of Calligrafest
October 16, 1999 in Falls Church, VA

To view a 21-second video snippet (no audio), click here.


Calligrafest featured continuous demonstrations throughout the day by Guild members.
Sheila Waters signs book

Sheila Waters (r.), founder of the Washington Calligraphers Guild, signed copies of "The Blacksmith's Tale" in addition to displaying, discussing and selling her calligraphic artwork at Calligrafest.
gocco printer

Joan Machinchick showed how she uses the gocco printer to reproduce full-color artwork in her studio.

Guild Vice President Tamara Stoneburner, who is coordinating next year's Calligrafest, shared tips on illuminating initial capitals. Tamara demonstrates
Bidding on silent auction artwork

In a silent auction, Calligrafest participants bid on beautiful artwork donated by some of the nation's top calligraphers.
raffle volunteers

Guild members (from l.) Suzumi Yasutake, Esther Washington and Louise Cole staffed the raffle table, where hourly drawings generated anticipation and excitement.
Michael demonstrates

Michael Clark showed how he produces expressive calligraphy using a ruling pen and gouache.
Ann Pope

Ann Pope created elegant Versal capitals. Ann demonstrates
Alice demonstrates

In addition to demonstrating lettering tools and supplies for Paper & Ink Books, Alice (l.) showed a rapt audience how she creates fanciful illustrations with a broad-edged pen.
Oh My Word Calligraphy booth

The artwork of dozens of calligraphers was for sale at the Oh My Word Calligraphy booth. Owner Jim Roberts, a member of the Washington Calligraphers Guild, sells hand-lettered sayings and other calligraphic art at his store in Ellicott City, MD.
Cynthia's table

Member Cynthia Campbell sold hand-made books, boxes and such unique items as flowers made from money at a table she shared with quilter Roberta Jones (c.). Cynthia's book
Purrfect Stamps booth

Calligrafest featured such related arts as rubber stamping and origami. At its popular booth, Purrfect Stamps demonstrated and sold a variety of rubber stamps, pads and embossing supplies.
David's origami

David Swerdloff demonstrated how he makes origami boxes out of decorated papers.

Photos by Lynne Mohr and Lorraine Swerdloff. origami box

Washington Calligraphers Guild home page  ~  About the Guild  ~  
Exhibits & Events  ~  Meetings & Workshops  ~  Scripsit, the WCG journal ~ 
 ~ How to become a member  ~  Freelance calligraphers in the DC area ~ 
 ~ Links to related websites  ~  Zapf fund to further calligraphy education ~