The Information Oasis
Creating a communication safe-haven
  • Stranded on a desert island?
  • Planning a solo voyage across the Pacific?
  • Recently taken a vow of silence?

    (If you answered yes to any of these questions, skip this article. You have more pressing issues upon which to focus!)

If you want to gather and use information in a way that helps improve your performance and increase your value to others, or if you feel you lack information or it’s simply overwhelming you, read on about the Information Oasis.

What is an Information Oasis?

Mind-set and mechanics of the Oasis

Information as organizational nourishment

Tips to get you to the Information Oasis

More communication resources

What’s an Information Oasis?

The dictionary defines oasis as 1. A fertile or green area amidst desert or waste, made so by the presence of water; or 2. a small place preserved from surrounding unpleasantness that provides refuge, relief or pleasant contrast. The Information Oasis is a haven made fertile through mindful information-sharing. Here, information is like water, creating a pleasant contrast to the chaos and miscommunication around you.

The Information Oasis is a garden to cultivate if you work, live or communicate with other people (just about all of us). Why? Without the right information, what exactly are you communicating? Without a generous amount of quality information, how would you make well-informed decisions? Chart the optimal course of action? Create the best results?

What’s more, many people feel that the quality of their work environment is beyond their control. Not so. With effective information management, everyone has the opportunity for increased control and creativity. Starting this healthy cycle can lead to more valuable contributions and the rewards that go hand-in-hand with adding value to an organization.

Mindset and Mechanics Make the Oasis

A thriving Information Oasis includes two elements. First is the Oasis mindset, including such concepts as responsibility, cooperation, and understanding and associating seemingly non-relevant information to create a greater whole. The mindset is the motivator behind the successful use of information. The second Oasis element is mechanics, including tangible resources such as technology, mentors and books—the means to effectively gaining valuable information. Although there are several paths that lead to the Oasis, everyone who is effectively using information (residents of the Information Oasis) tap into both mindset and mechanics.

Information as Nourishment for People and Organizations

In the Oasis, information and the people who use it effectively thrive despite challenges. For example, an avid info-hound surrounds himself with information resources and is continually on the hunt for information that’s relevant to his needs. In doing so, he increases his brain capacity, and contributes to his organization in a more valuable way. In turn, he is rewarded through increased responsibilities, higher pay, kudos from colleagues, and the opportunity to learn even more — to name a few possible perks. The organization benefits from the increased quality of the employee’s contributions.

So, implementing the mechanics alone doesn’t cut it. You have to have the motivation — the mindset — to take action with information in order to reap the benefits. The opposite holds true, too. The greatest intention in the world will only get you so far without action. Together, mindset and mechanics equal the Information Oasis.

Got it? With this framework in mind, tour the rest of the Oasis site ring to learn how to put theory into action:

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Mile Markers on the Path to the Oasis:
Specifics to Get You Started

The Information Oasis is a huge concept that isn’t easily — or appropriately — distilled into one article. However, we share some of the components and tactics involved in creating your own Information Oasis. Think of the actions listed below forming a cycle in continuous motion.

ABSORB – Take in or receive the information.
Think of information as a broken strand of pearls spilling all over your desk. Your first reaction may be "Bummer, how am I going to find all those pearls?" Then, after a moment, you take a deep breath and start looking for them, one by one.

Q: How do you gather information that is valuable to you and your organization?

FILTER – Sort and sift through the information.
Separate the pearls from the paper clips, the gems from the gum wads, the drops from the dust bunnies … get the picture?

Q: What are some of the mechanisms you can use to sort through all of the information that comes your way?

FUNNEL – Channel the information.
Determine where all the baubles go. Put the jewels away for safekeeping. Offer other valuable items to someone who could use them. Finally, toss out the worthless stuff.

Q: Who can benefit from the information you’ve gleaned?

APPLY – Use the information.
You have collected pearls of wisdom, but you must wear them. Make them functional so you can enjoy them and share them with others.

Q: How can you make the information work to your advantage?

For more skill-building resources:

Ivy Sea's IntraPersonal and Mindset Mastery Portal

Ivy Sea's Organizational Communication Portal

or e-mail us at