Staying organized and on-time in a topsy-turvy world

You've heard it before, "So much to do, so little time." And you've probably seen or read about the person who gets to the end of his life and bemoans how he chose to spend his time, or the person who complains incessantly about not having time to read a book, see a movie, get a pedicure or do something with her child. Other people seem to get more done, even fitting in time for the trip to the museum, day spa or movie theater while working to pay the mortgage.

The goal isn't to squeeze as much mindless activity into the day as possible. Being franticly busy and successful aren't the same. The goal is knowing what's important, individually and within the context of our family and community, and ensuring that our days and weeks honor those priorities, not because they squeal the loudest, but because they're most important to us.

Tips & tools for making the most of your time

Morning "check-ins" with a mentor, coach or even reflecting with yourself to help establish the "21 day habit" of mindful time management.

Check in frequently with others: is this really a deadline or priority? Does this really need to be done now? Do I need to be worrying about this? Can you help me identify some structure for this?

Ask positive questions and reframe negative statements into more positive and supportive ones: e.g. instead of "how can I do this faster" ask, "what's the best way to get this done and when." How you think makes a difference in how much time you waste worrying.

Ask for support from your team: "I'm overloaded today; can you help me reprioritize this or pitch in to get this done?" or "I’m trying to look for ways to do this more efficiently; can you offer some suggestions?"

Agree not to take work home for the evening or over the weekend unless it's truly necessary. Workload "sprawl" can be the result of lazy time management or a need to have others think you're busy, and therefore important. Learn to be efficient during the work week, so you can safeguard non-work hours for refueling and non-work personal fulfillment.

Manage interruptions (ex: "It'll take me about 30 minutes to finish this up, and then I'll stop by...or we can schedule another time" or putting a note on your door or cubie entry that says, "I'll be available after 3:00, when I meet this deadline.")

Forward your phone to voicemail or the receptionist line when you want to focus on a specific project. If you check your voicemail regularly and return your calls in a timely and reliable manner, no one should mind this. If you don't, you're contributing to an uncivil workplace (see the IVC article, "What's Your Civility Quotient?")

Let colleagues know about blocks of "focus" time when you'll be completing a section of work and don't wish to be interrupted.

Use visualizations, meditation, prayer, exercise or all of the above to manage internal chatter and other inner distractions that wreak havoc on personal organization.

Taking the long view: Everything doesn't have to be completed this minute, or today, or even this week. Check in frequently on timelines and REAL deadlines when priorities are conflicting. Identify when you're artificially accelerating a deadline for a less-than-good reason.

Move quickly from "problem space" to "action space." Rather than spinning your wheels on something that you can deal with later or don't have control over at all, either write it down for consideration later that day or week, or acknowledge that, "This isn't my issue here and worrying about isn't productive." (See the IVC Brain Food Leftovers about the 80-20 Rule)

Use your planner to schedule things ahead instead of carrying them forward from day to day when you know they're not priorities (e.g., if you can and would prefer to address something on Thursday or next Tuesday so you can complete more pressing deadlines sooner, just move ahead to that day and write the item down so you can refocus.)

Allocate 45 minute blocks of time, followed by a check-in to see where you are on a project. This can help make overwhelming projects seem less imposing.

Break big things into smaller, more doable "action" items, clarifying your role and responsibility. Translate these chunks into smaller action tactics and schedule them out in your planner. (Many people use their planner as a calendar, instead of as a time management aide.)

Schedule a mandatory 15 minutes of Plusses Only at the end of each day to recognize the accomplishments, steps forward, new tools, etc. you did that day. Identify a few things you'd like to count on your Plusses Only list for tomorrow.

Do your planning for the next day before you leave the office (and before you do your Plusses Only, so the latter is the last thing you do before you wrap up your work for the day).

Consider structuring your day when you know you're working on things that are new for you; e.g. settle in, get your coffee, spend 10 minutes with your planning, one hour on project A, 15 returning calls and email, take a 15 minute comfort/chat break, work on project B for 45 minutes, etc.

Above all, remember that an effective plan for leadership, organizational or interpersonal communication must be tailored to meet individual or organizational needs, rather than a boilerplate reproduction of another's program. For customized counsel, call us at Ivy Sea -- 415/778-3910 -- or seek other qualified professional resources.

Additional resources on time and personal management

Stop spinning your wheels (master the 80-20 Rule)

Setting goals you'll actually (want to) accomplish

Better listening means less time wasted

Interpersonal communication savvy supports efficiency

Ivy Sea's IntraPersonal and Mindset Mastery Portal

And a suggested link outside of Ivy Sea resources...

Franklin-Covey Time and Life Management Training & Planning Products

Ivy Sea, Inc.
& InnoVision

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