Are you being authentic, or just plain rude?

Have you ever found yourself saying or thinking, "Well, I was just being honest"? This is a classic communication issue: The messenger and receiver have drastically different perceptions about the meaning of a message sent. Without knowing your intention, or if you lack the interpersonal skill to frame an authentic message well, a receiver might easily think you’re rude — at best — and be disinterested in continuing any sort of relationship with you, much less a productive conversation.

In a business setting, being authentic requires a balance between being forthright and gaining the interpersonal skillfulness that allows you to be more sensitive and diplomatic. And, as we know, interpersonal skillfulness is one of the things that sets apart the most effective — and truly successful — individuals.

In this tipsheet, we share five key tips to help you polish your interpersonal skill and, at the same time, become more skillfully authentic in your communications. Each of the five tips includes examples for both "raw" and polished communication in the skill-areas reviewed.

The full "Are you being authentic, or just plain rude?" tipsheet is now available in our new Issue-Tips Kit, "Interpersonal skill-builders for everyone's toolkit," in the Ivy Sea PDF Content Library. Purchase this and other Ivy Sea skill-building issue kits – or customize your own to suit your unique interests and needs.

More information on the skill-building PDF Content Library please...

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