Quick tips for taming tense moments

We've all been there — sweaty palms, flushed face, barely concealed irritation or insecurity, quickened pulse. Tension is a factor that affects the way we interact — and communicate — with our world.

If your intention is to improve your relationships and clarify your purpose in the world, this tip sheet offers 10 practical tips for how our garden-variety tension can be harnessed to work for you, not against you. The interpersonal tips in this tipsheet cover situations where you're feeling tense, as well as those instances where you're on the receiving end of someone else's tense moment.

The full "Quick tips for taming tense moments" tipsheet is now available in our new Issue-Tips Kit, "Interpersonal skill-builders for everyone's toolkit," in the Ivy Sea PDF Content Library. Purchase this and other Ivy Sea skill-building issue kits – or customize your own to suit your unique interests and needs.

More information on the skill-building PDF Content Library please...

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