Making light of your shadow

Study any personality-assessment tool, meet any person or explore myths from ancient cultures and you’ll see a common thread woven throughout: A single core trait of human nature can emerge in a productive or destructive manner, commonly referred to as light and shadow sides, respectively. We can learn much about ourselves by examining our shadow; arguably the most important lesson is being aware of our shadow’s influence on our behavior.

When we acknowledge hidden negative traits and the undeveloped positive traits in our shadow, we develop more fully into our authentic selves. If we are to improve our interactions with others and groom the best version of ourselves, we will cultivate our light.

While this practice is a lifelong journey, there are personal customs that one can adopt to nurture the light and diminish the shadow. This article takes a look at five suggestions that can help us cultivate more positive use of our Shadow traits and reach higher levels of our potential.

The full "Making light of your shadow" article is now available in our new Issue-Tips Kit, "Fundamentals for Mastering Your Mindset," in the Ivy Sea PDF Content Library. Purchase this and other Ivy Sea skill-building issue kits – or customize your own to suit your unique interests and needs.

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