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January 2002

A Tip for Effective Transformation and Renewal

Visualize this scenario: After attending a personal-development seminar, Claire is reinvigorated by the wisdom shared, the goals she’s set for herself and the possibilities that abound. In her enthusiasm to improve herself, she alters her presentation style to match the mannerisms that the seminar leader modeled. Bold clothes, a louder voice, more humor and large hand gestures quickly become the norm for her.

Unfortunately, in making these changes, Claire risks displacing the very qualities that make her such a well-received and trusted counselor in her company, such as her knack for convening meaningful, small-group discussions, and the perception that she listens deeply rather than just "talks at" people.

This hypothetical example helps illustrate the point that people often interpret transformation as the need to make a 180-degree change from where they currently are. In fact, personal transformation can be a reawakening or refining of one’s strengths, just as it might entail more significant shifts in certain areas.

Tip: Focus on your assets when embarking on renewal and transformation.

When setting out on a transformational journey, reflect on and "carry with you" the qualities that are unique to you. Consider the thoughts, actions, responses and traits that you’re most proud of, that others use to describe you, and that have served to create positive results, foster nice interactions and build strong relationships in the past. Each of these qualities have been groomed through nature and nurture for a reason, and have served you well on your journey to date. Why abandon them now, even if the qualities need a little buffing to really make them shine?

To get started, list the qualities that distinguish you in a positive way. If you’d like, ask friends and family to contribute to the list. If you're serious about putting forth your best self, you might also express your own highest hopes for your presentation and interaction skills, and ask trusted family members or friends to let you know where you do, or do not, measure up to your standards. (Sometimes we don’t see what’s right in front of us, but others can see easily.) Then, identify at least two ways to incorporate that quality into your transformational journey and two ways to enhance that quality to ensure continued growth.

For more tips and exercises to help accentuate your strengths, consider reading:

Challenging Economy? Eight things you can do right now

Hungry for more brain-tickling or inspiration? Visit the Ivy Sea Brain Food Cafeteria.

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