February 2002

Recognize What You Can Do
Sometimes the Smallest Efforts Make the Biggest Difference

When you think about the great leaders and agents of meaningful change throughout history, their efforts seem super-human, and sometimes, unattainable by "mere mortals." But think again, and you’ll realize that each of them were everyday people like you and me. It was their intentions, visions, hopes and small actions that created the change that they wished to see — and that they effected — in the world.

Unfortunately, many of us ask, "But what can I do?" Plenty. You can make a difference by choosing to do a series of small actions that demonstrate the change you wish to see come about.

For example, these five activities pose no financial or physical challenges, and yet can help enhance your interactions with others tremendously:

• Recognize at least one strength or gift that each of your colleagues brings to the group.
• Before answering the phone or leaving a message, take a deep breath and focus solely on the person on the other end of the line.
• Write thank-you notes to three people who have helped you in some way in the past week.
• Identify two positive outcomes or possibilities for each problem or issue that arises in the next week.
• Listen carefully and mindfully during conversations.

TIP: Meet with your colleagues or employees this week to discuss the small actions that each of you can take to help create the desired culture, to reach a goal or to make a difference.

Or, individually, set aside time to mind-map how you'll take action to make a difference in the world.

For more tips and exercises to help you make a meaningful, consider reading:

The 4-1-1 on Constructive Criticism

Tenets in Common — Virtue-Mastery at Work

Taking Social Responsibility Personally

Hungry for more brain-tickling or inspiration? Visit the Ivy Sea Brain Food Cafeteria.

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