APRIL 2001

Looking for inspiration? Find your story.

Telling stories — and seeking them out — is a very human trait, and perhaps a very human need. Storytelling has been described as a gift, a craft, an ability and habit. It has, in all of these forms, existed as a mainstay of human culture for many generations over many millenia.

Without stories, who are we as individuals? As people? As groups? What keeps us together, and what spurs us forward? What motivated our ancestors and forebears to survive, evolve, persevere and journey onward? Stories are ways of knowing ourselves and finding our place in our communities, whether that community be a neighborhood, a place of worship, or a place of work. Or even our place in the world.

If you don't know your story, or if your story seems old and somehow unfitting, you may feel adrift or disconnected. And if that's the case, it's time to write a new story!

Tip — Update your story

You can approach this exercise by yourself, of with (and as) a group. You can do it the old-fashioned way — by taking pen to paper — or you can articulate your story artistically or in any other way that inspire or interests you. For now, let's assume you're getting started by taking pen to paper.

Write a story about something that happened recently, or further in the past if it seems more appropriate to you, that you think really describes what you're about and shows what's most important to you. If you can't think of a specific account from your past, make something up by envisioning yourself in situation in which you act in a way that is most important to you, and in which you're doing things in a way that suits your highest ideals.

Review your story and highlight words, phrases or key ideas that seem to be "the core" of your story.

Make a short list of how these key words, phrases or key ideas can inspire your daily activities, starting immediately.

If you're looking for other ideas about how to find (or tell) your story, or you need a little bit more inspiration, spend a few minutes surfing one of these Ivy Sea sites:

Ivy Sea Portal: Vision, inspiration & creativity

Ivy Sea Vision Tips Series

Suggestions for working through writer's block

Hungry for more inspiration? Visit the IvySea Brain Food Cafeteria

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San Francisco, CA


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