Ivy Sea, Inc.

51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911


Why bother with visioning?

Why might you do a visioning program, or bother defining a vision at all? That's like asking why motivation is important to your employees, why feeling inspired is different from being apathetic, or why you need to know the directions to a place you really want to get to but have never been before.

We at Ivy Sea, Inc. know all too well how tough it can seem to make the time in a busy schedule for something that seems as intangible as visioning. But we can't see air, either, and we all know how crucial that is to our well-being! Noted psychiatrist, author and holocaust survivor Victor Frankl makes a grounded and inspiring argument regarding meaning in his classic book, Man's Search for Meaning. Others, like educator and management theorist Alfie Kohn, emphasize the importance of vision (even more than money) in motivating people toward higher levels of performance and satisfaction.

So it pays to make the time for visioning work, and you'll reap the rewards for doing it well. What rewards? Well, if you like feeling clear-headed and inspired about where you're going and how your daily activities are helping you get there, and if you like being focused rather than murky in your mindset and action, then our visioning clinic is for you!

Ten tips (plust two bonus tips) for inspired visioning

We'll have ten tips in all (and, knowing us, we'll throw in a few bonus tips to tap that extra reserve of inspiration). Our tips will be easily digestible and ready for action, and you'll be able to do them individually, each month, or save them up for a more condensed program later on (or both). So mark your calendar and bookmark this page now.

Visioning Series Kickoff A few great reasons to bother with visioning

Visioning Tip #1 Prime the pump: Loosen up with some "get-started" dialogue

Visioning Tip #2 The reflection connection: What's most important?

Visioning Tip #3 Activate your senses: Get your brain storming with creativity

Visioning Tip #4 — Identify your emerging themes

Visioning Tip #5 — Noticing where your key themes are already at work

Visioning Tip #6 — What do people call your company when you're not in ear-shot?

Visioning Tip #7 — How do your personal ethics affect your vision, and others?

Visioning Tip #8 — Is your vision based on someone else's standards?

Visioning Tip #9 — Getting clear on your "vision story"

Visioning Tip #10 — Powerful questions to energize your group

Visioning Tip #11 — Vision as an anchor in challenging times

Visioning Tip #12 — Vision renewal: Transforming you vision into a guiding light

Visioning Tip #13 — Building upon a foundation of your strengths

Remember, this information is food-for-thought. The most effective interpersonal and organizational communication program is one that's been tailored to meet the unique needs of your group. If you have questions, connect with an expert or e-mail us at info@ivysea.com.

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What else would you like to see us cover? What are your key communication issues or experiences as an organizational leader?
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