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Don Ecker

He's back the "Real X-Files" investigator to


DonLKL2.JPG (13234 bytes)After a two year hiatus, Real X-Files investigator Don Ecker is back as a "broadened" broadcast named "Strange Daze."

Not to be confused with Art Bell or Billy Goodman, radio host Don Ecker helmed the only national radio show on UFOs—UFOs Tonite!--until parting ways with its host network two years ago. Now the show’s reborn in syndication, but with a bonus, Ecker says.

"‘Strange Daze’ will address question the paranormal, the mysterious, cultural changes and the conspiratorial," Ecker comments. "And of course we’ll keep looking into UFOs." "Strange Daze will be unique in the broadcast arena, "asking questions and questioning answers" five nights a week on the Liberty Works Radio Network. Ecker, also producing the show along with partner Kelly Kleinman, plans to interview a stream of notables whose research and occupations push the envelope of everyday reality.

Ecker, also the Research Director of this magazine, is a medically retired police officer and former Army Special Forces soldier who served in the Vietnam War. Born in Pennsylvania, Ecker spent time residing in Colorado and Idaho before moving to Los Angeles in 1988. In 1993, Ecker married Vicki Cooper, co-founder and editor of UFO Magazine. According to both Eckers, the partnership has proven to be unique and valuable personally as well as in the larger field of UFOs.

Grounded by nature, Ecker nevertheless is very open to the reality of paranormal phenomena. He openly tells of his own UFO encounter in 1966 while in a remote locale in central Pennsylvania. "I was hunting with three friends," he recalls, "when we saw several extremely bright lights flying in formation off in the distance. It was near sunset. Suddenly, one of the lights broke away—just like that—and flew off at incredible speed. There was nothing on earth that could move like that."

A SWAT team accident in 1986 turned the tide for Ecker. After retiring, one of the first personal computers on the market kept him in touch with the UFO arena and others interested in the topic. Before long, he was submitting stories on the phenomenon, including one that revealed some UFO knowledge long kept secret by a member of the National Security Agency. Since then, Ecker has turned out many articles that delve into the UFO cover-up and those individuals in the field whose information may be popular, but just doesn’t check out.

"I try to treat the (UFO) subject like any other investigation," he says. "It’s a matter of following leads, checking facts and getting background on the case. Unfortunately, facts are hardly ever that clear in the UFO field!"

DonExtra2.JPG (18890 bytes)Ecker says "Strange Daze" will be the first radio show to take on the task of getting the true stories behind so many of the incredible claims that are made in the realms of UFOs, aliens, government conspiracies and the paranormal. "The time has come for a show of this type. We hope to be the broadcast version of UFO Magazine, but with other personalities talking about other subjects as well as UFOs. Tune in!"

*More information on the "Strange Daze" radio show and affiliate stations nationwide carrying the show can be found at Liberty Works Radio Network in Maryland, (410) 857-5600. "Strange Daze" can also be heard on satellite, at SatCom C5, Transponder 3, 63.6 megahertz.

UFO Magazine's News Editor, Don Ecker

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