Interpersonal tips of the month

SituationYou want your work to be more meaningful

You begin each year with renewed enthusiasm and a long list of things that you're intent on accomplishing. You have visions of a fulfilling year, chock-full of meaningful actions and a great sense of wellbeing. But somehow, as the year progresses, some of those great resolutions seem suddenly overwhelming or even impossible. You get up each day just as you started the year — with the desire for meaning in and connection between the tasks you do and wanting to make a positive contribution in your work, to your community and thus to your world.

Tip—Review your reality for "hidden gems"

This is a big question, and one for which there's no easy answer, no "magic bullet" that someone can shoot for you. But herein is the gift: the idea that making a difference or finding meaning is something over which you have control; the idea that you can make a difference just by seeing — and doing — some of your everyday tasks differently.

Better yet, there are ample resources to support you in your effort to interpret your day and the opportunities it holds in a different light. Whether faith-based or philosophical, there are approaches and hints for finding meaning in and satisfaction from the fodder of an average person's normal day.

Some of those resources are featured here on IvySea Online Communication Center, in the IntraPersonal or other resource portals. Others are offered through the web or bookstores or local organizations or individuals. The resources may be free and very simple, or they may require a fee and a commitment of time. But one thing is for certain: There are resources to fit every budget, every personality, and nearly every need for finding greater satisfaction and meaning. But all require that you envision, engage and enact.

What are you waiting for? If it seems overwhelming, start small: Grab a notebook, surf some of the resources featured below and jot down whatever thoughts or insights come up. Then head for the IvySea Planning Tip Series for tips on how to chunk it down and make it do-able. All of us at Ivy Sea wish you every happiness, and meaning-rich days that you create yourself and in community with others.

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Ivy Sea's Planning Tip Series

Tenets in common: Mastering virtue in the workplace

Setting goals you'll actually (want to) accomplish

Brain Food Cafe: Tasty nibbles for creative minds

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