Ivy Sea, Inc.

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Suite 307

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"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each
experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...
we must do that which we think we cannot." — Eleanor Roosevelt

The economic realities that began in 2001 and trickled into 2002 have been dissected and studied by the pundits; lived by business owners, executives and employees; and speculated on by market players. Now is the time to act in a way that creates the positive forward-momentum needed for a dynamic 2002.

Enough with the waiting for someone else to make a move or hoping that the tide will change on its own. Now is the time for courageous leadership and conscious action.

Some of the benefits of this proactive approach include the potential for:

Increased momentum toward a revitalized vision and renewed sense of purpose;
Higher morale among employees through confidence in the business and leadership;
The infusion of new ideas, and a recalibrating of outdated processes; and
More effective, dynamic communication;

…each of which help inspire morale, retain employees and boost productivity.

What is courageous leadership?

By many definitions, leaders are courageous by nature. The help inspire and guide others toward new vistas, through tough times and over seemingly insurmountable hurdles.

In the workplace, leaders are typically identified by their titles, and may demonstrate the courageous behavior mentioned above. But imagine a group, department or company where "citizen-leaders" are invigorated by the notion that they can be courageous every week regardless of their title or role. Picture the results of a team with such high morale and unified commitment to their own group mission, as well as the company's, that its members feel a true sense of ownership and responsibility. Or, visualize the leader who inspires a level of momentum that ushers in a new, more effective way of working and a stronger sense of purpose. All are possible, and each requires courage.

How can courage manifest in the workplace?

Powerful acts of courage in the workplace are possible each week. Yet we shy away from many such actions or expressions because they have such a high potential for "rocking the status quo," and would demand that we walk our talk about values, mission and purpose both as individuals and as an organization. Examples include:

Providing honest input and counsel
Choosing not to lay people off simply for a short-term boost in stock prices
Presenting outside-the-norm ideas
Sharing an alternative viewpoint
Speaking up, rather than being complicit in silence
Not falling prey to the perception that "working longer hours equals increased productivity"
Advocating for a potential new hire without much direct experience
Not settling for the status quo

There are no doubt many other "small acts of courage," depending on a particular organization's culture and operational (and interaction) norms. In one organization, simply disagreeing might be an act of courage; in another, a courageous act might seem much greater. Yet both require a break from unproductive norms.

How can you tap your courage?

Courageous leadership spawns from a true sense of vision, and a commitment to that vision that transcends the inevitable rollercoaster ride that we call business. It is this vision that sustains a leader through the fear that precedes courage, and in fact, serves as the fuel to blast through the fear toward action. Courage, but its very nature, requires facing and moving through fear rather than settle for a state of "old familiar" that doesn't allow the development and sharing of gifts, skills and talents.

The first step in harnessing your courage is to develop a vision that represents your authentic self and goals, and aligning that vision with the business and its goals.

What can you do — today — to become more courageous?

In the wake of the 2001 economic recession, courage and initiative are much-needed qualities for every group and business. To foster courageous leadership in your organization or group, begin by discussing these "food-for-thought and dialogue" questions. Your responses may help shape and clarify your vision, provide a well of motivation to sustain your efforts, and help uncover the opportunities to be courageous in the workplace:

What is your vision for the business/group/department? (Be as specific as possible.)
In what instances have your co-workers been courageous in the workplace?
What impressions did those co-workers and actions give you?
How do the concepts authenticity, leadership, courage and initiative relate to one another, and how can they fuel one another?
How, specifically, can you be more courageous in your role at work?
What tangible benefits will arise from your courageous action?
What communication skill would help you become more courageous?
What other questions can you add to this list to lead you through fear, into courage and ultimately to a higher peak of performance, meaningfulness and satisfaction?

Acts of courage can also be private, as part of an individual's own path toward contribution and development. Or they can be part of a collective effort to propel a group or organization past its previous level of performance (or out of complacency). Would you like to have a discussion kit to explore this issue further with your group? Do you want to arrange a customized Ivy Sea visioning program or dynamic discussion for your group? Contact us at info@ivysea.com to discuss the possibilities.

Learn more about the power of authentic leadership and the power of big-vision by reading Jamie Walters’ book, Big Vision, Small Business. Or, if you appreciate the free resources available to you on Ivy Sea Online, consider leaving a tip or making a donation to help keep the generosity flowing!

Copyright 2002. This information provides food for thought rather than counsel specifically designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. Please use it mindfully. The most effective approaches are those that have been tailored to your unique needs and organizational culture, so don't hesitate to engage the assistance of an adviser whose perspective you trust and value. Have questions? Send us an email.

Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you discover how to make the most of your culture, communication, talents, services, infrastructure and systems to take you to greater levels of mastery and success as an individual, group or organization.

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