Visioning and planning can, in many corporations, seem like just one more management dictate that requires more committees and meetings. Teams get together, create the "team charter," sit in seemingly endless meetings only to produce a planning spreadsheet and "mission statement" from which they feel strangely dissociated.

While the myriad reasons to feel disconnected from the typical corporate planning processes are understandable, there are many benefits to engaging personally in the process: life-work balance; personal as well as professional development; staying clear and motivated at work; breaking free of crisis-to-crisis management; deciding when or whether to move on to other opportunities; and finding and maintaining good relationships with colleagues, clients and suppliers.

So how can an employee find a middle path between the typical sterile planning processes, and the importance of creating a connection between personal motivation and work?

Our 14-step planning-tip series is designed to help you do just that. This Ivy Sea "Hot-Issue" Planning-Tips Kit includes:

— Introduction: A few great reasons for a more inspired planning process

— Tip# 1: Setting the goal that'll turn your plans into action

— Tip #2: Developing collaborative support for performance goals

— Tip #3: Identifying milestones and check-points to stay on track

— Tip #4: Identify and celebrate accomplishments

— Tip #5: Making mid-course adjustments

— Tip #6: Time for a mid-plan B-12 energy booster?

— Tip #7: Taking an ethics pulsecheck: Who does your plan affect, and how?

— Tip #8: Bridging the spirit of your plan with your actions

— Tip #9: Integrating past, present and future

— Tip #10: Aligning your expectations with reality

— Tip #11: Assessing accountability and consequences

— Tip #12: Identify learnings for future use

— Tip #13: Applying your learnings to next year's plan

— Tip # 14: Bonus! Don't forget your "A&O" summary!

The full "Introduction to Planning" article and the 14-tip series is now available in our new Issue-Tips Kit, "Ivy Sea's Planning Tips Series," in the Ivy Sea PDF Content Library. Purchase this and other Ivy Sea skill-building issue kits – or customize your own to suit your unique interests and needs.

More information on the skill-building PDF Content Library please...

Ivy Sea Organizational-Transformation and Conscious-Enterprise Consulting Services: Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you discover how to define your conscious-enterprise principles and vision, make the most of your organizational strengths, and rise to greater levels of mastery, success and meaningfulness as an individual, group or organization.

How can we help you? We welcome your email inquiry.

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Ivy Sea's Strategic Planning Portal

Dialogic & dialectical tools for more creative planning

Gaining an edge with contingency mastery

Setting goals you'll actually want to accomplish

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