Ivy Sea, Inc.

51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911


Strategy connects what we want to create, or where we want to go, with the day to day actions that get us there. In many organizations, vision never translates to strategy, and strategy is never articulated in a way that you or others in the organization can correctly translate to approaches or tasks in their own jobs. Remember:

Don’t forget to bridge the ideals of your vision or mission with specific day-to-day actions.

Saying something rhetorically, or including a more ideals-based policy-statement in your plan, doesn’t translate to action.

You have to create the bridge between lofty words and practical tasks. Articulate specific examples of how day to day actions embody the more rhetorical statement.

For more tips on facilitating more creative brainstorming, strategy and planning sessions, get started with the Ivy Sea articles listed below, then visit the suggested offsite links.

Celebrating Independent Spirit
Change and Communication
Community and Dialogue
Conflict and Communication
Corporate Culture and Communication
Ethics and Communication
Leadership: Leading Virtual Teams
Morale and Motivation
Renewal and Transformation

Right Relationships - Valuing People
Social Responsibility
Spirituality and the Workplace
Storytelling: Unleash the Power!
Strategy and Communication
Vision, Inspiration & Creativity

Economy-Weary? Eight things you can do right now

Layoffs, morale and right-communication

14 tips for taking your plan into action

Ivy Sea Planning Tips Series

Tips for sparking flashes of creativity and intuition

Contingency Mastery Gives You the Edge

Marketing tips for when the economy's crazy

Great Tools for Creative Discussion and Planning

Setting Goals You'll Actually Want to Accomplish

Master the 80/20 Rule

Making the Most of the Resources You Have

Bringing Your Organizational Vision to Life

Gaining Project Buy-In

Communication Quick Tips for Leaders

Goals, Roles, Pay and Performance

What Communication Vehicles Work Best?

Jargon: The High Cost of Lazy Language

And the Survey Says...Don't Skimp on Communication

For more resources, surf over to Leader Exchange

The following web sites feature some nice resources regarding strategy, planning and communication:

Work911.com's Article Indexing Project

Competia Online Strategy Portal

Chaos, Inc. by Simon Caulkin

Compass Points: Planning Journal

Achieving Vision from Ray Wyman, Jr.

Invest-Tech’s Strategy White Paper

APQC "What Works, What Doesn't?"

MAPNP Planning Pages

Liebowitz & Associates Planning Process

Alliance "Steps of Strategic Planning"

CEO Refresher.com's Strategy Resources

Organizational Symbolism Article

CIPE's Key Elements of a Strategic Plan

DMOZ Strategic Planning Links

FAS's Planning for the 21st Century

We at Ivy Sea have found interesting content at the above-referenced sites, but do not endorse or vouch for any of the sponsoring organizations. Please surf and apply your findings mindfully.