Stories are a primary mode of human communication and thinking and one that has been used since the dawn of time. Why? Stories have depth and multiple dimensions; they help us create human connections in a world that seems complex, sometimes (or often) threatening, and increasingly dehumanizing. Stories give us context. The alternative? Having bits and pieces of data that are disconnected from any unifying context, community or truth.

The ways we tell stories

We "show, tell and feel" stories, using our auditory, visual and kinesthetic modes of giving and receiving information. Here are just a few of the storytelling approaches we might choose to use individually or in organizations:

Visioning: "Painting the ideal scenario" in words, sounds or pictures;
Journey Maps: Drawing stories, making a chronicle of our journey;
Case studies and scenarios: Sharing examples of how things can or are being done;
Informal storysharing: The proverbial "water cooler" chat, or internet threads, or lunch-time discussions;
Marketing: Your organization's story, and how it's told to customers, employees or other stakeholders;
Other communications: To help one group "tell their story," Ivy Sea presented a real-life scenario using a "once upon a time" storytelling format, which allowed people to get the distance they needed to see all perspectives of a sensitive situation without their own defense mechanisms rearing up. Another organization hired an acting troupe to "act out" the story as if it were a play, and invited audience members to share their responses to what they saw.

The modern-day relevance of stories

Regardless of the format we choose, stories help us see ourselves and others in safer ways, so we might take (or find) "the moral of the story" to heart without becoming defensive, or without taking it too personally. Stories are more real than "spin" or "jargon strings," they seem more believable, because they include specific people and heartful language; they have a beginning and an end and suggest evolution… "this is where we've been, and this is where we are now."

In the absence of unifying stories, people insert themselves into a story of their own making, and supply the missing pieces, from their own perspective. The result can be fragmentation, conflict, and a lack of compassion and understanding.

At their best, stories are unifying, thoughtful, truthful and well-told, helping us to connect the dots by providing the context individuals need to identify their place, role and purpose or key motivations.

Ivy Sea, Inc.

51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911

The following web sites feature some nice resources about storytelling for individuals and within organizations:

The Mouse & The Light — A Fable

Stories for Inspiration and Discernment

Stories for a Changing World

Storytelling: How to tell a tale

Storytelling Center

"A Look at Organizational Storytelling"

Story Wise - Narrative Matters

Storytelling - Passport to 21st Century

Storytelling Foundation International

"Stories Help Sell Business Cases"

"Storytelling for Grown-Ups"

Build Communities - Stories in healthcare

Avalon Consulting

Apple Seeds: Storytelling tidbits

Useless Knowledge - Facts & Trivia

Please surf carefully and apply your findings mindfully! There's a lot of great information here on the web, but only you can decide what's appropriate for your group.

Want to recommend a site that you think is a good resource on this topic? Email us with the site address!

Celebrating Independent Spirit
Change and Communication
Community and Dialogue
Conflict and Communication
Corporate Culture and Communication
Ethics and Communication
Leadership: Leading Virtual Teams
Morale and Motivation
Renewal and Transformation

Right Relationships - Valuing People
Social Responsibility
Spirituality and the Workplace
Storytelling: Unleash the Power!
Strategy and Communication
Vision, Inspiration & Creativity

What's your "vision story"?

Encourage ambassadors to tell your organization's story

Is your company story "old shoe?"

Vision, inspiration and creativity portal

Tips for working through writers block

Prescribing Storytelling for Health

Ivy Sea's Inspired Visioning Tip Series

Looking for inspiration? Find your story!

Ivy Sea's Brain Food Cafeteria