Ethics. Most people assume that ethics means a certain code of honor or a standard of good behavior. When you're ethical, you "do the right thing." But what exactly does that mean, and do we all mean the same thing when we say it? It's a gray area, to be sure. The only way to know what, exactly, we mean is to reflect on the question individually and as a group and come to some consensus about what ethics looks and sounds like within our group or organization.

As with everything else in business and life, good communication suggests we don't assume agreement, but rather compare notes and ensure that we have a common understanding of ethics and ethical behavior. But proceed cautiously; our standard of ethics often stems from a cultural or religious foundation, so can make for uneasy and, if we're not aware and skillful, illegal discussion.

We've put together this Ivy Sea issue portal to help get you started toward mindful reflection, solid understanding, productive conversation and skillful practice of ethical standards.

What's your ethical "line in the sand?"

Defining and communicating ethics

The high costs of incivility

Conflict resolution: a communication tool for change

Conflict resolution practices tip sheet.

Conflict resolution basics: a check list

What to say when people leave you speechless

Managing button pushers

Better listening may mean fewer conflicts

Tired of miscommunication?

Do you affect your community for better or worse?

Tough discussion quick tips

What communication vehicles work best?

Tips for creating a great employee handbook

Interpersonal & intrapersonal skill-builders

Purchase Ivy Sea Content for your training and
internal communication programs:
Ivy Sea content selections and kits are available as an easy, budget-friendly resource for your training, intranet, and internal communication programs, in handy PDF format. Purchasing from our PDF library — including a variety of PDF Tips Kits to support you with key organizational issues — is as easy as can be! Get more information about our PDF Content Library.

The following web sites feature some nice resources about communicating and defining organizational ethics:

What is Ethics? (article by Dean Bottorff)


The Ethics Resource Center Article: Communicating Ethics

Business Ethics Online

Character Counts Coalition

Josephson Institute of Ethics

E-Center for Business Ethics's Ethics Center

Institute for Global Ethics

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Islamic Training Foundation on Ethics

People Centered Development Forum

Please surf carefully and apply your findings mindfully! There's a lot of great information here on the web, but only you can decide what's appropriate for your group.

Celebrating Independent Spirit
Change and Communication
Community and Dialogue
Conflict and Communication
Corporate Culture and Communication
Ethics and Communication
Leadership: Leading Virtual Teams
Morale and Motivation
Renewal and Transformation

Right Relationships - Valuing People
Social Responsibility
Spirituality and the Workplace
Storytelling: Unleash the Power!
Strategy and Communication
Vision, Inspiration & Creativity

Ivy Sea Organizational-Transformation and Conscious-Enterprise Consulting and Coaching Services: Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you: (1) discover how to define your "big-vision small business" or conscious-enterprise principles, (2) clarify and make progress towards your vision, (3) make the most of your group or organizational strengths, (4) identify ways to "get there from here," and (5) rise to greater levels of mastery, success and meaningfulness as an individual, group or organization. How can we help you? Let's discuss the possibilities! We welcome your call or email inquiry.

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