
October 25, 1996
People, problems, pressures, persecutions. I needed to clean my site of dead links and outdated text. Please forgive the lack of info. I will try harder next time. It's just that I've been busy. Doing what you ask? Living life. Not all of us can spend 24/7 staring at a screen. Actually I probably could but why - chicken thigh. Actually I like pork- the other white meat.

July 2, 1996
It seems that I haven't really been doing much here. Now with the arrival of my niece, Erin Moon Kang, I've found myself even more preoccupied. There are many things to come though. Have patience. I will bring good things to life.

June 11, 1996
I've been tinkering with text here and there, most of the writing is on the homepage, so you've probably seen it already. My comments are my daily reflections or just whenever I have an astounding epiphany. I did add a pic from my travellings in Korea. In addition I added a bunch of Korea-related links to compliment my travelogue.

May 21, 1996
I actually did a lot. I finally moved to an apartment with an analog phone line. My previous dwelling only gave me access via a digital line, so I could only work on my page with great difficulty. Here's what I did: I rewrote the copy for my intro page. I will do this occasionally depending on what kind of emotional turmoil I am experiencing at a given time. I've added the Kang Gallery. Although I can't take credit for it, I lifted it off the web. I rewrote text for the Kang Clan page. It now features an extensive history of the Kangs existence. There are also links in Oh, the places you'll go. Today was a good day. After work, I'm going to go see an advance screening of Mission Impossible.

May 2, 1996
links added to Oh, the places you'll go page.

April 29, 1996
links! Added a couple things to the People are People page and to the Oh, the places you'll go page. links!

April 22, 1996
Hmmm, I think yesterday was Earth Day.
I was getting sick of Yahoo and its limited database, so I turned to the almighty Alta Vista. In addition, I just cleaned up my pages and changed some gifs, nothing spectacular. Life does imitate art.

April 19, 1996
I've added a page dedicated to the boy I love Thomas and you can also submit your own suggestions for baby names. Not mine of course, but for my niece/nephew. I've also decided to revamp my Oh, the places you'll go... page.

April 15, 1996
I finally finished my taxes. At about 2am last night I realized that I couldn't use the standard 1040EZ, but the 1040. Of course I didn't have the instruction booklet. Nonetheless, I managed to wing it with a little help from my friends.

I just found out from my future employer that I need to start work either on July 8 or Dec 30. Arrrggghhh. I've been stressing about this issue, so I decided to share my burden with my fellow netizens. If you have the time and the inclination please help me out. I will be forever indebted to you.

April 11, 1996
OK, so I've been a little busy. I survived midterms, a week in Cancun and a tumultuous breakup with my (now -ex) boyfriend. For my own sanity I've removed the romantic suggestions from my homepage, but you can still access them here. Personally speaking, I'm just not in the mood for love. Sorry folks! I need to move on. Now if only I could get my thesis done. *sigh*

February 8, 1996 - Black Thursday
On Thursday Feb 1, 1996, Congress approved legislation to dramatically restrict the First Amendment rights of Internet users.With this act of Congress, the very same materials which are legally available today in book stores and libraries would be illegalif posted on World Wide Web sites or usenet newsgroups. With the stroke of President Clinton's pen on February 8, this billwill transform the Internet overnight from the freest communications medium to the most heavily regulated medium in the UnitedStates. The measure is part of a massive telecommunications reform bill which President Clinton is scheduled to sign on ThursdayFeburary 8, 1996. The Coalition to Stop Net Censorship is asking everyone, everywhere, to turn their World Wide Web pages black to showjust how many people will be affected by this legislation. So, just for one day. I too will mourn the strong hand of tyranny in this country. Here's how you can participate.

January 15, 1996
It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day today. I'm sure a lot of people have the day off. Not me. sigh.
After I had given surfers an opportunity to vote for the best Kang website I thought that I would be inundated with responses. Alas, people haven't been voting, so I've added a counter to compare the number of people who see the page and the number of people who vote.

January 4, 1996
I've finally added the long awaited romantic suggestions.

January 3, 1996
Happy New Year! Today just happens to be my Mom's birthday also. I've added quite a bit of stuff (you see, I'm on vacation). First, there's a story about the Kangs and a chance to vote for your favorite Kang website. Choose wisely. OK, so that's all I did. It seemed like a lot more when I was doing the HTML. sigh. 'Til next time...

August 1995
One of the perks I got from MetLife was my own home page, to shape & mold as I please. I started working on my website sometime around this time. And this is what I have.

Back to the beginning

Any commments, questions, or fan mail? E-mail me at elizabet@interport.net