As we reflect back on the many events of the past year, we might notice that many seeds of transformation were planted along the way. That’s certainly been the case here at Ivy Sea, an organization that I "planted" in 1992 to be a vehicle for conscious transformation and perpetual evolution.

With all the events playing out on the world stage these past two years, it’s clear that our times call for something bolder, more conscious and transformative than traditional "corporate communication" and business-as-usual. In keeping with our vision, mission and traditions, we at Ivy Sea have planted our own seeds of transformation that we hope will allow us to share our experience, skills, joy, humor and resources in a more bold, authentic, inspiring and useful way.

How can we see conscious remembering and transformation from a more positive perspective, given that most of the news headlines seem too often to be negative? The hint is in the word "conscious." When you see shadows, there is also a light somewhere nearby. Choosing to know and notice the light as well as the shadow is choosing consciousness.

Why deprive yourself of such possibilities for joy, gratitude and wisdom by choosing to notice only the shadow or negative aspects of the reality around you? The light may, after all, shine greater awareness on the reasons underlying – and thus the pathway to transforming – the shadow areas. This is the pathway where conscious remembering – of our journey thus far, of both light and shadow, of who we are at our heart –allows us to move forward more wisely, consciously and authentically.

Tip for conscious remembering and positive transformation:

Dr. Victor Beasley, intuitive-intelligence consultant and author of Intuition by Design book and "Intuition Quotient" cards, includes a very thought-provoking question on one of his reflection "IQ" cards. In assessing a current situation, one card asks us to reflect back on our journey thus far, noting our accomplishments and the challenges that we’ve navigated through. What does that tell us about the most probably outcome of our current dilemma?

For additional tips and food-for-thought and reflection, peruse the additional Ivy Sea offerings in the "Related Articles" box below. You can purchase Dr. Beasley’s wonderful and creative book and IQ card deck from

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Ivy Sea Organizational-Transformation and Conscious-Enterprise Consulting Services:
Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you discover how to define your conscious-enterprise principles and vision, make the most of your organizational strengths, and rise to greater levels of mastery, success and meaningfulness as an individual, group or organization. How can we help you? We welcome your email inquiry.

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Wisdom and Mastery Portal

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Inspired-leadership portal

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