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Are there topics that your group simply doesn’t discuss? You know, those sacred-cow or proverbial elephant in the middle of the room issues? It’s strange, isn’t it? In most organizations, there are certain topics that never get raised — much less explored and questioned. Yet these topics often directly affect the financial, cultural or visionary bottom lines. And every group has them.

Consider these examples:

The senior vice president whose project gets full funding each year, despite lackluster results;
The organizational vision that employees don’t connect with or even understand; or
The "real" organizational culture that runs counter to the values that the enterprise professes publicly.

Group dynamics, organizational culture or fear might be propagating the power of these "unmentionable topics" commonly called sacred cows. (Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines a sacred cow as: "one that is often unreasonably immune from criticism or opposition.")

Typically, sacred cows are seen as negative or potentially limiting, the result of dysfunctional traits and habits. But turn this thinking on its head, and look at what happens. These sacred cows actually offer clues to the visionary opportunities, latent hindrances or untapped strengths within the organization.

In courageously and skillfully examining the examples above, a group might realize more productive ways to use project funding, uncover methods to help employees live the organizational vision, and align the enterprise’s "walk" with its "talk."

Having the motivation, skill, courage and ability to identify and examine sacred cows can be a group strength in and of itself. Why? Discussing issues openly, honestly and productively helps group members to better understand each other, learn new perspectives, develop shared commitment, and come to long-lasting agreement on key points. The products of this exercise can bolster a group’s contributions to the organization, thus strengthening both its potential and sense of purpose. How? The focus of the exercise is on productive solutions, which produces new ideas and improves the "shadow side" of the organization.

Identify and make the most of sacred cows

Don’t simply ask for input. Why? A conversation about sacred cows will uncover topics that might make people uncomfortable, to the point that they retreat further from speaking the truth about organizational issues or become defensive. (For instance, think of the employee-newsletter editor who is told that his communication vehicle no longer has a purpose in the company. He might define his entire role — and employment — by that newsletter, and would be derailed by this comment.)

First, build a strong, shared sense of safety and confidentiality among group members. If past issues are blocking the possibility of creating this environment, engage an outside firm to serve as a neutral information-gathering resource or hire a team-building professional to help the group work through its issues. (We at Ivy Sea can recommend top-flight colleagues in these arenas, ourselves included.)

A safe environment will help group members ignore the traits that are creating the sacred cows in the first place, and share the perspectives and information that will lead to visionary results.

Communicate the purpose. Ensure that group members understand the rationale behind this exercise. It is an opportunity to unveil those issues that are considered unchangeable or "not to be addressed;" it is NOT a venting session during which everyone complains about what’s wrong with the organization.

Create a forum to collect and agree upon sacred cows. You’ll need a forum that allows for candid group discussion, effective facilitation, idea generation and individual reflection. When designing this forum, consider the physical and energetic space that you wish to create.

Nix the backlash. Nothing is worse for a group's morale than to be asked for honest input and then punished for being candid. Inviting authentic participation and idea-sharing can reap benefits in an expanded pool of ideas and a deepened sense of a shared commitment and buy-in. Once you've invited honest input, be prepared to graciously receive all perspectives, and follow up so that people understand how the new information gleaned from the "sacred cow exercise" will help the group achieve a new level of potential.

Dismantle, then rebuild. For each sacred cow that the group identifies, whittle the concept down to its lowest common denominator, ensuring that you’ve located the true issue. In the example of the senior vice president who gets annual funding for a project despite a poor track record, it may not be limited funding that creates the sacred cow, but the fact that the senior vice president is the CEO’s fraternity buddy. Two things are for sure in this example, though: funding is ill-used, and morale and productivity are dampened.

Once dismantled, examine the issue for its inherent opportunity, then rebuild it with this opportunity being the outcome. How? For each issue, answer the question: "What strengths or opportunities does this sacred cow reveal to us?"

Contact Ivy Sea, Inc. for details on our assessment and team-building services and resources.

Missed the previous tips in this series? Start here!

Contact us at Ivy Sea for assistance in clarifying your vision and purpose, connecting the people of your organization, and unleashing the full potential of your group, We'd be happy to talk with you about the possibilities and options that best suit your needs, style, culture and budget.

Remember, this information is food-for-thought. The most effective approach is the one that's been tailored to meet the unique needs of your group. If you have questions, connect with someone who can provide a perspective you trust and value, or e-mail us at info@ivysea.com.

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Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you discover how to define your conscious-enterprise principles and vision, make the most of your organizational strengths, and rise to greater levels of mastery, success and meaningfulness as an individual, group or organization. How can we help you? We welcome your email inquiry.

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