IvySea, Inc.

51 Federal Street

Suite 307

San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

F 415.778.3911


Contact us at Ivy Sea for assistance in clarifying your vision and purpose, connecting the people of your organization, and unleashing the full potential of your group, We'd be happy to talk with you about the possibilities and options that best suit your needs, style, culture and budget.

Remember, this information is food-for-thought. The most effective approach is the one that's been tailored to meet the unique needs of your group. If you have questions, connect with someone who can provide a perspective you trust and value, or e-mail us at info@ivysea.com.

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Ivy Sea Organizational-Transformation and Conscious-Enterprise Services:
Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you discover how to make the most of your organizational strengths and rise to greater levels of conscious enterprise, mastery and success as an individual, group or organization. How can we help you? We welcome your email inquiry.

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Leaders in all types of organizations are perpetually on the hunt for ways to improve productivity, morale, effectiveness ... you name it. They consult new management techniques, launch special initiatives and introduce the resulting training sessions for employees. Yet there's a caveat. In the midst of the seeming chaos of continuous improvement and change, the very gifts, talents and competencies that helped sustain the business can diminish or disappear altogether.

Likewise, the upheaval that new programs and processes can cause (especially if unclear or unnecessary) can lead to lower morale, disrupted productivity and increased turnover.

We’ve created this tip series to help you recognize and strengthen those organizational qualities that led to your current success (however defined), and which you can incorporate into your group’s planning and goal-setting and measuring discussions.

After completing the series, your group will have a clearer understanding of the activities and behaviors that define your group's strengths and support its successes, and those areas that require more refinement in order to move closer to "mastery level."

Each month, beginning with this edition and ending in December 2002, Ivy Sea Online will post a tip to keep you focused on, aware of and able to build your organization’s strengths. The series will include Ivy Sea-tested tips and techniques that you can apply that very same week, including group exercises, individual reflections, communications, and other approaches to motivate you toward action.


Strengths tip #1: Unearth core-level strengths

Strengths tip #2: Discover the "recipe" for your organization's strengths

Strengths tip #3: How to feed courage within your group

Strengths tip #4: Co-create a big-vision group

Strengths tip #5: Become more conscious of your strengths

Strengths tip #6: Use Dialogue to identify fears that squeltch group strengths

Strengths tip #7: Allow strengths to light a stable pathway through change

Strengths tip #8: Find visionary opportunities in sacred cows

Strengths tip #9: Conscious remembering - being strengthened by challenges

Brain Food Cafeteria

Conscious organizational Communication

Business Owners Portal

Wisdom and Mindset Mastery

More Links to Other Web Sites

What else would you like to see us cover? What are your key communication issues or experiences as an organizational leader? Let us know!