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Within every organization, regardless of size, there are smaller groups of individuals who work together as formal or informal teams that make significant contributions time and again. The best of these groups are what we refer to as "big-vision groups" groups that reject mediocrity and instead consciously co-create mastery and meaning as they move towards the shared goal of having a positive impact and being an excellent model within an organization or community.

What else distinguishes these groups? Big-vision group members usually look for and have a greater sense of personal responsibility for and meaning in their roles at work, and they approach it proactively. The most marked contrast can be found in the more passive status-quo attitude of not contributing beyond one's job description, or holding someone else responsible for providing one with meaning and satisfaction at work. The benefits of aspiring to be a big-vision group are many — for both the individuals and the organization — and include: higher morale, greater productivity, increased agility, greater flexibility, and higher service levels.

Better still, big-vision groups can help a leader and others within an organization manage chaos. How? By helping the larger community to stay focused on the vision that they share. Since this uniting force is most likely one of the things that brought the group members together, it and other shared values and goals can serve as a compass during times of seeming chaos. In addition, the high-performing big-vision group members provide a model that inspires and propels others in the organization toward forward momentum.

How can your group be a big-vision group?

There’s no magic wand or three-step process to build such a meaningful and high-performing group. However, there are approaches you can employ to help you recognize and nurture one of these groups — even if you start with your own performance, as a big-vision group of one, to "seed" big-vision performance among others in your organization.

Observe where a big-vision group might already exist or might be growing. Encourage these groups through recognition, mentoring and well-suited projects.

If you're a peer or colleague, identify ways in which high-performing individuals and big-vision groups might inspire you to similar levels of mastery and inspiration in your own performance.

Discuss and identify the two or three group traits that everyone is committed to being a part of or creating. Start by asking questions such as, "Why are we a part of this organization?" and "If our current performance was ranked at a level two, what would a level ten performance look like?"

Ensure that group members understand the organization’s vision, and their role in making that vision a reality.

Help one another to connect personal values, aspirations and development goals to the opportunities for big-vision performance within the organization.

Set and maintain high expectations for yourself and others, and identify "accomplishment milestones" and ways to measure your progress along your journey toward big-vision performance.

Recognize outstanding work and behavior, and celebrate the accomplishment milestones along the way.

Make your intentions known; this will attract people who want to excel and sift out those who don’t.

Ivy Sea Online features an abundance of articles and tipsheets that help foster the skills and mindset that help to create big-vision groups and encourage mastery level performance. Surf around, or contact us at info@ivysea.com to learn how we can help your build the strengths of your group.

Missed the first three Strengths-Series tips? Access them here:

Strengths tip #1: Unearth core-level strengths

Strengths tip #2: Discover the "recipe" for your organization's strengths

Strengths tip #3: Become a gardener of courage

Copyright 2002. Remember, this information is food-for-thought. The most effective approach is the one that's been tailored to meet the unique needs of your group. If you have questions, connect with someone who can provide a perspective you trust and value, or e-mail us at info@ivysea.com.

Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you discover how to make the most of your culture, talents, services, infrastructure and systems to take you to greater levels of mastery and success.

Generosity circle: Ivy Sea Online is provided as a public-service resource available to all. If you appreciate the inspiration and free resources available to you on Ivy Sea Online, consider leaving a tip to help keep the generosity flowing. Even the smallest contribution helps to offset the costs of developing and maintaining this public-service site, and contributing is as easy as can be! Thank you!

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