IvySea, Inc.

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San Francisco, CA


T 415.778.3910

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Do you have this challenge: You have a sense of what your group’s strengths are, but you aren't sure how you can make the most of and showcase those strengths? If so, you might want to take a fresh look at what’s working well (and what has worked well in the past).

One potential approach is to learn from Appreciative Inquiry, or AI. AI is a tool, better yet, a phenomenon, where group members identify and focus on what’s best about a certain topic (team interactions, business development approaches, etc.). How does this sort of approach differ from what you might usually do? Well, very often, we focus almost completely on what's wrong, what's lacking or what needs to be fixed. AI helps to gather information from the other perspective: what's working well and what you're strengths are.

Clearly identifying and concentrating on successful practices or behaviors as a group has the potential to increase morale and to ensure that everyone shares a common understanding of what actions will lead to success (with less time and effort directed to actions that aren’t the most advantageous).

The next time you’ve got a problem to solve or want to increase the power of your group’s strength, examine those practices that have brought rewards and successes in the past. Once identified, look for ways to enhance or "export" those practices to other areas of your business.

For more information about Appreciative Inquiry, visit these sites:

Appreciative Inquiry Commons

The Taos Institute

• International Institute for Sustainable Development’s AI and Community Development website

Contact Ivy Sea directly at (415) 778-3910 or info@ivysea.com to learn how we can help you build your group's strengths through effective communication coaching and visionary brainstorming sessions.

Missed the first four Strengths-Series tips? Access them here:

Strengths tip #1: Unearth core-level strengths

Strengths tip #2: Discover the "recipe" for your organization's strengths

Strengths tip #3: Become a gardener of courage

Strengths tip #4: Co-create a big-vision group

Copyright: Copyright 2002. For information about reprinting or distributing this or other Ivy Sea Online content, contact us for express permission, guidelines or information about our special subscription programs.

Ivy Sea Consulting Services: This information provides food for thought rather than counsel specifically designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. Visit About Ivy Sea or give us a call to learn how we can help you discover how to make the most of your culture, communication, talents, services, infrastructure and systems to take you to greater levels of mastery and success as an individual, group or organization. How can we help you? We welcome your email inquiry.

Giving back: Ivy Sea Online is provided as a public-service resource available to all. If you appreciate the inspiration and free resources available to you on Ivy Sea Online, consider leaving a tip to help keep the generosity flowing. Even the smallest contribution helps to offset the costs of developing and maintaining this public-service site, and contributing is as easy as can be! Thank you!

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