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Feeling low on energy, meaning and inspiration?

Situation: You can't seem to find the inspiration to give more meaning to your daily activities

Given the turbulence of the past year, and certainly of the past few months, it's no wonder that so many more people are suddenly looking for more relevance, for something that inspires them and lends more meaning to their activities. For some people, depending on personality type, staying connected with a key source of inspiration is a top priority. For others, it's not part of the day-to-day until some major event shakes their routine. Regardless, a need for hope, inspiration, purpose, meaning and relevance is one thing most human beings — regardless of age, culture or geographic location — have in common. With regards to one's employment, recent surveys confirm that more people say they'll look for meaningful work and would prefer to work with an organization that has a meaningful vision.

Tip: Adopt a few renewal-ettes (a.k.a "small acts of renewal")

The great news is that you don't have to change your job or place of employment in order to find a greater degree of inspiration, meaning and relevance. And you don't have to spend a lot of money. You can certainly choose to do either of those things, if you're so moved, but you can also initiate a treasure-hunt of sorts in order to recharge your inspiration-pack and find your meaning and relevance in how — as well as what — you do throughout any given day, week, month or year. And the latter (the "how") doesn't require anyone else's approval or action (as would be the case if you were to change your job or place of employment).

In truth, everyone occasionally feels depleted of inspiration, energy or meaning. Assuming that we're not talking about severe conditions that are best assisted with the help of a qualified therapist, there are many small things we can do to help recharge the inspiration-pack battery. When stormy skies obscure my own guiding stars, and my "intuitive radar" can't quite cut through those clouds, there are a few things I do that offer an immediate (or almost as fast) pick-me-up:

Boost inspirational readings: Have a collection of little books (and web bookmarks) that give you quick access to inspirational quotes or spiritual readings when you need a wiser perspective.

Add a little color (or aromatherapy): Whether you pick or buy some fresh flowers, opt for a colorful shirt (instead of black or gray or white), go for a hike, or spritz a bit of lavendar into the air, adding a little color gives a psychological boost.

Meditate: Nothing is quite as effective for calming incessant (and unproductive) mind chatter as allowing yourself a period of meditation or prayerfulness, which is all about quieting all that nervous mental chit-chat and finding courage.

Shift focus to others: As Mother Theresa said, "If you want to change the world, pick up a broom." Clogged inspiration channels can open right up the moment we shift our attention from our own woes to helping someone else out.

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This information provides food for thought rather than counsel specifically designed to meet the needs of your organization. Please use it mindfully. The most effective leadership or communication plans are those that have been tailored to your unique needs and organizational culture, so don't hesitate to get assistance from a qualified adviser. Have questions? Send us an email.

If you’re interested in more tips on these topics, read these articles on Ivy Sea Online:

Vision, inspiration and creativity portal

Honing virtues in the workplace

Great reasons for a personal vision

Ten tips for avoiding burnout

Apollo 13's valuable lessons about failure

Spirituality, faith practices and work portal

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