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Why be a more skillful communicator?

Everyone communicates, but communicating well is tough work. That’s why superior communication isn’t common, and manifestations such as Road Rage and incivility are increasingly prevalent. If you’re in need of a motivation, inspiration or an awakening as to why it’s beneficial to be a more skillful communicator, keep reading. Here, we’ve compiled eight rewards realized from building effective communication skills, each of which expand into other categories of benefits.

Take a moment to review each reward, then mind map the possibilities of each for you! You'll find a brief introduction to mind-mapping following the article.

Eight rewards of being a more skillful communicator

Get what you want: Without the skill to negotiate well, be open to others’ ideas, listen deeply, and clearly and carefully exchange ideas, how can you expect anything other than frustration, miscommunication and mediocre results? Things on your "want" list might include a raise, a stronger relationship with someone, an issue resolved, a project gained or a vision realized.

Gain more pleasant and interesting interactions: Reduce or eliminate social barriers or walls that appear when communication or personality styles collide. With a communication toolbox equipped with a variety of options and a centered mindset, you’re able to maneuver most situations, learn more than you otherwise would, overreact less frequently, and get more out of every interaction.

Boost productivity, discover lost time: Clear your mental plate and physical task list of crossed wires, redundant work and personality squabbles — factors identified in studies to be major culprits of lost time. The ability to interact with people through a variety of mechanisms and ensure clarity, understanding and mutual benefit reduces these snags in your life, freeing yourself mentally and physically for your passions.

Make a positive difference: Who doesn’t want to make a positive mark on the world? Visualizing each interaction as one seed in a farm of humanity that you can nourish is a healthy outlook for yourself and others. The power of positive thinking is attributed to lower heart rate, longer, happier lives and a greater likelihood of achieved goals.

See the world with a broader lens: Imagine wearing binoculars 24/7. Sure, you can see every detail of a tree 1/2 mile away, but what are you missing right in front of your face? We equate this with being facile with one or two intra- and interpersonal communication skills and leaving it at that. You are walling yourself off from other people, new ideas and perspectives, and a greater part of what the world has to offer.

Know that others — and you — like you better: Strong, and continually growing, skillfulness translates into the ability to relate to more people and to better tap into your authentic self. Social filters peel away and are replaced with who you want to be — without unleashing the id, which can offend or break norms that create community.

Reduce frustration: Prevent the feeling of your blood boiling when something or someone irritates you. A healthy dose of communication skills and tools can help you navigate through difficult situations, keeping your head clear to make sound decisions and respond rather than react. Link to Don’t Re-Act tip sheet.

Don’t stagnate: With skillfulness comes more opportunities to learn, to be curious, to understand more about yourself and other people, and a greater awareness of the world around you. Communication skills used wisely and always honed and replenished can only result in a thriving mind.

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