IntraPersonal skill-builder series

Situation: You'd love to have a great mentor

Like many people, you yearn for someone to look up to, someone from whom you can learn and for whom you can have respect and admiration. You might even thing, "If I only had a mentor, things would be easier for me, and I could be much better at what I do."

Yet you also may bemoan the lack of mentors available to you, or the difficulty in finding people who can be the mentor that you envision in your mind. What to do?

Tip: Be the mentor you'd love to have

Many of us, from time to time, make the mistake of expecting things from others that we're unwilling to do, or be, or say ourselves. Some people also tend to focus much more on what they don't have, and what others don't provide, than on what actually is available or possible. These tendencies are important for two reasons:

First, many wisdom teachers have taught that teaching others is a great way to learn. If we apply this to mentoring, we might say that if we acted toward others as we might envision our ideal mentor doing, we might just be the mentor we'd love to have. Secondly, sages also emphasized that we tend to attract the very things -- and people -- that we think most about. So wallowing in what you don't have could very well be a mindset that's preventing you from seeing the "ideal mentors" around you. In being the mentor you'd like to have, you may well attract such mentors to you.

Tips for finding a great mentor

This information provides food for thought rather than counsel specifically designed to meet the needs of your organization. Please use it mindfully. The most effective leadership or communication plans are those that have been tailored to your unique needs and organizational culture, so don't hesitate to get assistance from a qualified adviser. Have questions? Send us an email.

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If you’re interested in more tips on these topics, read these articles on Ivy Sea Online:

Do you have a personal vision & plan?

Tips for more inspired visioning

14 tips for taking your plan into action

IntraPersonal mastery tips

Mindset management tips from the pros

Quality questions foster quality relationships

Twelve tips for smoother conversation

These Ivy Sea CyberWorkshops feature new skill-building content every month: