IntraPersonal skill-builder series

Situation: People take things too personally

You've had those days when you find yourself thinking, "Everyone takes things so personally!" Maybe you were in conversation with someone else and noticed them tense up at something you said, or perhaps they even walked away angry or irritated, leaving you wondering what the problem was. No doubt you've been in the same situation, leaving a discussion having been offended or irritated by something your conversation-mate said.

Tip: Communication is personal, so be aware

On one hand, you've got little control over how well (or unwell) someone else minds his or her mindset. You can't make someone be more relaxed or aware, and you can't lower their flash-point if they're looking for a fight.

Yet there are things you can influence: your own mindset, skillfulness and communication savvy. You can refuse to "take the bait," as it were, or react to something someone else says. By refusing to become embroiled in another's anger or anxst, their frustration might diffuse or they'll have to find their fight elsewhere. Instead of reflecting their tension right back at them, you've chosen to transform or neutralize it.

You can also be more sensitive to your own language choices, including the words you use and the body language you use when delivering your message. Perhaps you appear condescending or abrupt when you speak, giving others the impression that you are the one who's rude or looking for a confrontation.

For the rest of the day (or week, if you're feeling courageous!), notice how you hold your body, including your facial muscles, when you speak. Hear your voice as if listening to someone else. Do you feel or hear tension or tightness that might appear as anger or rudeness to others who aren't in your mind and thus don't know your intention?

Check out some of the articles linked below for more information on skillful intrapersonal communication. Of course, if you feel that your anger or worry is out of control, consult a professional therapist who can help you find the source and suggest therapeutic solutions.

Want to browse more handy intrapersonal mastery tips?
Check out our Mastery-Tips Archive

This information provides food for thought rather than counsel specifically designed to meet the needs of your organization. Please use it mindfully. The most effective leadership or communication plans are those that have been tailored to your unique needs and organizational culture, so don't hesitate to get assistance from a qualified adviser. Have questions? Send us an email.

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If you’re interested in more tips on these topics, read these articles on Ivy Sea Online:

Do you have a personal vision & plan?

Tips for more inspired visioning

14 tips for taking your plan into action

IntraPersonal mastery tips

Mindset management tips from the pros

Quality questions foster quality relationships

Twelve tips for smoother conversation

These Ivy Sea CyberWorkshops feature new skill-building content every month: